EASOM summer school in Linz, 27th of August, 2009
Professional Mentoring in OH Training
Briggite Schigutt
Why the state, the Labour Inspectorate, looks so closely a occupational medical practice?
Elsbeth Huber Head of Unit Occupational Medicine Central-Labourinspectorate Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
What does the professional community expect of community expect of professionals in occupational professionals in occupational medicine?
Dr Ewan B Macdonald, Head of Healthy Working Lives Group, Head of Healthy Working Lives Group University of Glasgow, Scotland University of Glasgow, Scotland
Theory-practise relationships in various training / adviser approaches for professionals – experiences from the PAVLA-project
Hans Jørgen Limborg
Interdisciplinarity and cooperation among occupational health and safety professionals
Horst Stelzer – safety specialist, AMD-Linz
Using real workplaces. A problem-based learning approach
Paul Smits, occupational physician, university teacher
Ethical analysis – a means of communication
Peter Westerholm , MD FFOM Professor emeritus
Blast furnaces
Jean-Francois Gehanno