September 24, 2024
It is with great sadness that I announce the death of Jean François Caillard, Professor of Occupational Medicine and first president of EASOM.
Born in Caen, France, in 1945, he studied medicine in Rouen, then became an intern in rheumatology and internal medicine at the Lille hospitals. His encounter with silicosis was to shape his career and his taste for prevention. In 1976, he returned to Caen, where he set up a university hospital structure for occupational medicine. He came back to Rouen in the early 80s to set up the University department of Occupational Medicine, with a tenure position as University Professor.
Thanks to his charisma, he developed the specialty and trained a large number of doctors in occupational medicine.
This charisma earned him national recognition, with the presidency of the French Federation of Occupational Medicine and the creation of the Paris Hospitals’ Central Occupational Health Department, as well as international recognition. He joined the International Commission on Occupational Health, serving successively as vice-president and president in 1993. He actively promoted the development of occupational health teaching, research and practice in numerous countries and organizations such as the International Labour Office and the World Health Organization.
In 1993, he co-founded the European Association of Schools of Occupational Medicine, becoming its first president. He held this position until 1995, when he was succeeded by Raphael Masschelein.
From the time he was appointed occupational physician in 1976 to the end of his mission at Rouen University Hospital in 2017, his 41-year career will have enabled him to leave his mark on this specialty, influence public policy and train over 200 specialists, 4 of whom have gone on to become MD-PhD in the discipline.
His colleagues always appreciated the sincerity of his convictions and his commitment to improving the health of his patients in the workplace.
For many of us, his humanism, strength of conviction and optimism, despite the painful events of his personal life, made him more than a colleague, it made him a friend.
Prof. Jean-François Gehanno, M.D., Ph.D.
Head of the Institute of occupational Medicine
Rouen University Hospital, France